角高台椀—Foot Bowls
青海盆—Round Plates
角高台椀—Foot Bowls
猪口と鍔縁皿—Cups and Wide Rim Plates
角高台椀、猪口とスプーン—Foot Bowls, Cups and Spoon
ナイフとフォーク、鍔縁皿—knife and fork, Wide Rim Plates
“tenun” urushi ware exhibition
Sat, November 3–Sun, November 11, 2018
1–6 pm
Yoko Nishimura—supervisor will stay here for “tenue” on November 3 and 4, 2018.
“ Lute Recital”
Chikako Inoue plays the lute at guillemets layout studio + saruyama.
Reservation only, please contact us by email.
Wed, November 7, 2018
start from 7 pm
3,000 yen with one drink
contact for recital: https://guillemets.net/contact/